Key Features

  • Add that extra touch of realism with Model Graphics letters, numbers and stripes
  • No mess like water-applied decals
  • 5-5/8" x 8-1/4" sheets


Model Graphics dry transfer decals are easy to use. The 64 sheet selection of dry transfers contains over 340 different alphabets, number sets and line assortments to satisfy the lettering and striping needs of every craftsman. Intricate detailing is quicker, less complicated and more realistic than when attempted with wet decals. Use the Dry Transfer Burnisher (WOODT600) to apply.

Detailed Information


Instructions for use:

  1. Position the Dry Transfer Decal where you want it and rub over the top with a Burnisher or dull pencil.
  2. Carefully remove the carrier sheet.
  3. Place the carrier sheet over the Dry Transfer Decal and burnish again. Smooth into rough or textured surfaces with light pressure from the Burnisher.
  4. Dry Transfer Decals can be weathered with a light sanding or other carious techniques.